Acupuncture is basically Acupuncture treatments performed to enhance or
beautify a face or body. Cosmetic Acupuncture is not a popular genre in
Alternative Medicines. Only a handful of excellent Acupuncturist can
take credit for successfully practicing this form of Acupuncture. Prof.
Dr. Verekar is the very best practitioner of this genre. He is also
responsible for a lot of research in this field. He is by far the only
doctor to give non-surgical nose jobs. Whilst most people wouldn’t mind
looking a few years younger, the notion of allowing a surgeon to take a
knife to your face is more than a little off-putting. As a non-surgical
alternative, cosmetic acupuncture can deliver a fresh-faced radiance
while diminishing the signature signs of aging. More importantly, the
treatment addresses the underlying causes of ageing, which can be
preferable to masking the symptoms with invasive procedures.
Cosmetic Acupuncture basically is the acupuncture treatment offered to improve muscle tone, decrease puffiness around the eyes, firm sagging skin, eliminate or reduce fine wrinkles, even out skin tone and improve luster of complexion. The purpose of Cosmetic Acupuncture is to create a younger and more vibrant appearance. The weakness of most conventional cosmetic therapies is that they do little or nothing to enhance the client’s underlying health condition. It’s primarily because cosmetic acupuncture fully embraces the principle of ‘inner health/outer beauty’, that it works so well - and that the results last longer. Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment is like a gardener tending to the soil of a plant to produce a healthy flower, rather than superficially trying to polish a petal. While the initial desire to look younger may be a simple case of vanity, the effects can prove far more profound than merely improving one’s appearance. As Acupuncture works from the inside out, the effects are also felt. The client is left feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from inside. |
Friday, April 5, 2013
Cosmetic Acupunture
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